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kr. 229,00
Om det skønne skærebræt "Gates of Pohjola":
Designere: Anniina Isokangas
Størrelse: 30 x 20 cm
Materiale: Birkekrydsfiner
Vask: Håndvask. Læg ikke i blød.
Designet og fremstillet i Finland.
PaaPii fortæller om sig selv:
"Made in Finland
We consider it important, that all our clothes are produced in our own sewing factory in Finland. By being in charge of our own production, we are able to ensure a traceable and transparent clothing production, with high-quality and ethical standards in our practices. At this moment PaaPii’s own sewing factory has the capacity to produce 1300 pieces of clothing per week.
The factory locates in Kokkola, in Western Finland, an area that has a long history of textile industry. At PaaPii we think it is important to take care and preserve the local knowledge of how to manufacture clothing.
About 50-60% of all the power PaaPii uses is produced out of two renewable energy sources – our factory has solar panels on the roof and a geothermal heat pump. The rest of the electricity we use is bought from a local power plant (Kokkolan Energia), and it is green power, which has an European GO -certificate. Therefore, all the power we use in our factory is produced completely out of renewable energy sources!"
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